Competitive Retro Gaming Association

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PACE Summer 2023 Completed

Posted by Matthew Deutsch on 2023-07-07

PACE Summer 2023 was an incredible event, with 16 competitors in attendance (5 returning, 11 new). We held three tournaments, and two live time attack events in Super Mario Bros. Any% and Warpless. An extra huge thanks is owed to all of the runners, the commentators, volunteers, and to the entire GSA team. Thank you!

The Next Tournament! PACE 2023

Posted by Matthew Deutsch on 2023-04-02

Our next tournament will be at PACE 2023! If you want to compete, join the Discord and look in the announcements channel.

2022 Super Mario Bros. Invitational - Thank You!

Posted by Matthew Deutsch on 2022-11-05

The 2022 Super Mario Bros. Invitational at Level 7 Games in Colorado was a huge success - both the Any% and Warpless tournaments were great. thank you so much to all of the amazing competitors, volunteers, and to everyone that was able to attend. I am looking forward to all of the tournaments to come!